Monday, April 6, 2009

Gabe Laying Low at Home

Just wanted to keep this blog up to date - since we've been home we've realized just how many people have been reading this blog!

Gabe was released from the hospital last Friday. We were VERY happy to have him home and he's VERY happy to be home.

He still doesn't have his voice back and we don't have a good idea of when it'll be back - guess we'll have to talk to the docs about that some more. We laugh because people are saying enjoy this while you can! I will say that you can communicate an awful lot with a kid without words - it's easy to see how happy he is to be out of that hospital. When he talks, it's a whisper.

He's on a decreasing schedule of steroid to reduce the swelling in his throat and allow his own body to take over that job naturally. We hope and pray that it does. So far so good. His breathing each night is getting better and better. Either Nan or I sleep with him to make sure he's alright.

He's not moving around that much - slow to get up and walk but he will from time to time. He's happy to have you pick him up and take him upstairs to bed. Nap time yesterday was a bit of a battle - so I think we've got an improving kid on our hands - just have to make sure he rests, drinks and eats.

Don't think we'll be back in school soon - one day at a time - I'm hoping he can go back in some capacity next week - but don't want to jinx myself.

Nan and I still want to extend our thanks for all the continued thoughts and prayers, meals, toys, cards and notes. And thanks to our parents and my sister who've both been a huge part of helping us through this.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Coming Home!

Just a quick post to let you all know that Gabe is coming home today! Nancy's folks are down there now picking him up!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cant breathe? How about another night or two in the hospital?

Nancy's still in the hospital and I haven't been down there since Tuesday. But here's the update from what I know.

Gabe had some trouble breathing in the evening yesterday - similar to the symptoms he had when this whole deal started. The doctors quicly gave him an inhaler type treatment for the throat swelling and lung tightness. They also gave him another dose of the steroid to further attack the swelling. Thankfully he responded very well to that!

Last Sunday, when Gabe and I took that fatefull trip to the ER, he did not respond well to these measures and he was then intubated. So at least we're not going back where we started. But needless to say it scared Nancy and needless to say we're not likely or anxious to leave the hospital. We'd like to have Gabe completely steroid free, pnuemonia free, with great oxygen levels, before leaving the hospital.

My folks have been keeping Nancy and Gabe company - thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! Dad tricked all the doctors in the room yesterday into thinking that he'd lost his front teeth as a part of being intubated and that he wasn't very happy about it - April Fools! Not sure if the doctors appreciated that, I think it was funny for Gabe.

He got a load of cards from the kids in Brynn's class - bet that was fun! Also had a friend named Max visit who gave him a cool watch so that he can watch the time fly before he get's out of there.

He's eating better - walking on his own - doing physical therapy. As long as we can avoid another breathing issue we'll be fine.

That's all for now.

Charlie Caps

The hat Gabe is wearing is called a 'Charlie Cap'. It was made by a woman who found this blog through mutual friends. I wanted to share her story because it touched us all to hear it. Cant wait to meet you Janet.

[From an email she wrote me]
I started making "Charlies Caps" after my dad, Charlie, passed from complications to cancer surgery. I needed to keep my mind busy, so I started crocheting and/or knitting like a maniac! Then, I took the original hats I made to our local hospital at Skyridge and donated them to the ICU and cancer treatment center, in my Dad's memory, he would have liked keeping other people warm! He wore a blue knitted ski cap every day for the 3+months he was in the hospital. It kept him warm. He always said that you loose 20% of your body heat through the top of your head. One of the most loving gestures the nurses could do for my Dad was to adjust his hat for him, when they could do little else. That's why I made hats....then Charlie's Caps just grew. I can hardly believe it, but I started keeping count of the hats for fun, and Gabes hat will be in the 9 hundreds!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Out of ICU - Maybe home soon!

Just a short summary.

We're still very relieved and very happy to have that tube out. Still riding the wave of that joy.

Gabe is out of ICU and has a very nice room with an XBOX! He's smiling but having trouble sitting up, standing up - it'll take a few days before he can do that on his own - and probably a few weeks before he's feeling normal again. I believe that there are some physical therapists working with him.

He's eating real food, which is a slow process as well. He'll need to prove that he can eat before he can leave.

The pneumonia is still in there but the good news is that his cough is good, the airway is good and the oxygen levels are good. So the doctors, including the ENT are giving him a green light to get outa there very soon - most likely tomorrow!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers - looks like the scary parts are done. Now it's home to get well with mom and Grammy Lou - rest assured they'll make sure that happens.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eating Popsicles

Eating some "real" food!

Nancy wiping off goo from the tape that held the tube in place.

Beautiful morning - we're on our way out of ICU!

Pneumonia is getting better - we'll still need some days of physical therapy and getting up and around - been in bed for a week - legs wobbly. His throat isn't bothering him too much - coughs sound not too painful. Just a whole lot better without that tube!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tube Out - Breathing Fine - Tears of Joy!

About an hour ago the doctor pulled the tube from Gabe's throat - he's breathing fine - smiling - no pain. So wonderful to have something go absolutely fine without a hitch! We were so happy we've been crying tears of joy. Just a huge leap forward after a week of so much challenge - it's huge - emotional. Gabe's smiling, a few whispers - "Hi mom!", Can you talk Gabe "Yes I can". And to see that face without the tube and the tape! And a smile. It's just wonderful to see. I felt the love in my heart for that kid (and for everyone really) just absolutely crush me. I had to leave the room.

Anyways - more details later. We made a HUGE leap today!!!!!!!
